This past January, a team of 4 visited our ministry partners in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, where IHH has worked since 2009. The team went as part of a vision/planning trip. It was an amazing 10 days! The team consisted of Cyndi, (the wife of IHH President, Luke Krawietz) their daughter Bethany, as well as two family friends. During their time in Ethiopia, they were privileged to get updates from and strengthen our partnerships, meet with IHH's sponsor children, gather information about future involvement in projects, as well as pray through the possibility of returning with a team this coming summer. We held orphans, laughed and danced with children, ministered to widows, visited those who live in a dump, walked over 3 miles for water with those who don't have clean water in their village, and had a God-ordained time of allowing Him to break our hearts for what breaks His.
As a result of the trip as well as much prayer on the part of our board, we are pleased to let you know that we are planning to return to Ethiopia!
Travel dates:
Cost: $2,800
Deposit: $350
Accomodations: Ethiopia Guest Home (http://www.ethiopiaguesthome.com/)
Purpose: James 1:27- visiting widows and orphans in their distress, evangelism, and compassion ministry
Our work will include:
- Working in our partner village of Bole Bulbula, playing games with the children, distributing donations and clothing, doing evangelism, prayer-walking, home-visits, supporting the local church's outreach to children and widows, and partcipating in another "water walk"- taking a walk in their shoes as they get their water for the day.
- Visits to 3 orphanages- hugging and holding orphans "in their distress."
- Playing games and doing crafts in 2 Compassion Family International drop-in centers where very disadvantaged children are able to receive preschool education and one meal a day while their parent(s) work to provide for them.
- Visiting the people who live at Korah, the trash dump. We will be partnering with a vibrant church that is situated right in the middle of the dump, reaching the outcasts who live there with the message of HOPE. You can learn more about Korah here: http://vimeo.com/13771428
If you feel that Ethiopia could be where God is calling you this summer, complete a mission trip interest form here or email us via our website.